From laughter to anger, how the meeting spiraled

For four years in The United States Of America, we had a president who stood up at press conferences and talked tough about Vladimir Putin, and then Putin invaded Ukraine and destroyed a significant chunk of the country. The path to peace and the path to prosperity is maybe engaging in diplomacy. We tried the pathway of Joe Biden of thumping our chest and pretending that the president of The United States’ words mattered more than the president of The United States’ actions. What makes America a good country is America engaging in diplomacy. That’s what president Trump is doing.

What kind of diplomacy, JD, you are speaking about? What what you are what do you what do you mean? I’m talking about the kind of diplomacy that’s gonna end the destruction of your country. But if you Mister president mister president, with respect, I think it’s disrespectful for you to come into the Oval Office and try to litigate this in front of the American media. Right now, you guys are going around and forcing conscripts to the front lines because you have manpower problems.

You should be thanking the president for trying to bring it into this conflict. Have been to Ukraine that you say what problems we have? I have been to You’ve come once. I’ve actually I’ve actually watched and seen the stories, and I know what happens is you bring people you bring them on a propaganda tour, mister president. Are do you disagree that you’ve had problems What?

Bringing people in your military? I have problems. And do you think that it’s respectful Hold on. To come to the Oval Office of The United States Of America and attack the administration that is trying to trying to prevent the destruction of your country? A lot of a lot of questions.

Let’s start from the beginning. Sure. First of all, during the war, everybody has problems. Even you, but you have nice ocean and don’t feel now, but you will feel it in the future. God bless You don’t know that.

God bless God bless. You will not have a war. Don’t tell us what we’re gonna feel. We’re trying to solve a problem. Don’t tell us what we’re gonna feel.

I’m not telling you our laws to make promises. To dictate that. That’s exactly what you’re You’re in no position to dictate what we’re gonna feel. We’re gonna feel very good. Feel influence?

We’re gonna feel very good and very strong. You’re right now not in a very good position. You’ve allowed yourself to be in a very bad position. To be right about. From the very beginning of the war, you’re not in a good position.

You don’t have the cards right now. With us, you start having cards. Playing cards. Right now, you don’t get your playing cards. You’re playing you’re gambling with the lives of millions of people.

You’re gambling with World War three. You’re gambling with World War three. And what you’re doing is very disrespectful to the country, this country that’s back to you far more than a lot of people said they should have. Have you said thank you once that entire meeting? No.

In this entire meeting, you said thank you. Even today. You went to Pennsylvania and campaigned for the opposition in October. Offer some words of appreciation for The United States Of America and the president who’s trying to save your country. Please.

You think that if you will speak very loudly about the war you He’s not speaking loudly. He’s not speaking loudly. Your country is in big trouble. Can I ask Wait a minute? No.

No. You’ve done a lot of talking. Your country is in big trouble. I know. You’re not winning.

I know. You’re not winning this. I You have a damn good chance of coming out okay because of us. Mister president, we are staying in our country, staying strong. From the very beginning of the war, we’ve been alone, and we are cynical.

I said thanks in this cabinet. You have a problem. In this cabinet. We gave you through your stupid president three hundred and fifty billion dollars. You hold.

We gave you military equipment. You woke up for your breath, but they had to use our military equipment. Smart enough. If you didn’t have our military equipment You invited me. If you didn’t have our military equipment, this war would have been over in two weeks.

In three days. I heard it from Putin. In three days. This is something Maybe less. In two weeks.

Of course, yes. It’s gonna be a very hard thing to do business like this. I can tell you. Say thank you. I said it a lot of excitement to American people.

That there are disagreements, and let’s go litigate those disagreements rather than trying to fight it out in the American media when you’re wrong. We know that you’re wrong. But you see, I think it’s good for the American people to see what’s going on. I understand. The problem is I’ve empowered you to be a tough guy, and I don’t think you’d be a tough guy without The United States, and your people are very brave.

But you’re either gonna make a deal or we’re out. And if we’re out, you’ll fight it out. I don’t think it’s gonna be pretty, but you’ll fight it out. But you don’t have the cards. But once we sign that deal, you’re in a much better position.

But you’re not acting at all thankful, and that’s not a nice thing. I’ll be honest. That’s not a nice thing.

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