To implement a DMCA policy for your website,, you should include a few key elements that help protect your content and provide a way for others to contact you if they believe their copyrighted work is being infringed. Here’s an outline of the key components to include:
- DMCA Takedown Notice
Create a clear section for visitors to submit DMCA takedown requests if their copyrighted content is posted on your site without permission. You will need to provide the required contact details for individuals to send their notices.
Here’s an example of a DMCA Takedown Notice section:
DMCA Takedown Notice
If you believe your copyrighted work has been used on this website without authorization, please submit a DMCA takedown notice by contacting us at the following email address:
Please include the following information in your notice:
A physical or electronic signature of the copyright owner or a person authorized to act on their behalf.
A description of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed.
A description of the location of the material you claim is infringing, including a link to the page, if possible.
Your name, address, phone number, and email address.
A statement that you have a good faith belief that the use of the material is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
A statement that the information in your notice is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, you are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.
Upon receiving a valid DMCA takedown notice, we will remove or disable access to the infringing material and inform the user who uploaded it.
- DMCA Counter-Notice
Provide a way for users to submit a counter-notice if they believe their content was removed in error or was wrongly flagged as infringing.
Here’s an example for a DMCA Counter-Notice:
DMCA Counter-Notice
If your content has been removed and you believe this was done in error or that you have the right to use the material, you may file a counter-notice. Please send your counter-notice to:
Your counter-notice should include:
Your full name, address, phone number, and email address.
The specific content that was removed and the location where it appeared before it was removed.
A statement under penalty of perjury that you believe the material was removed as a result of mistake or misidentification.
Your signature (physical or electronic).
Once a valid counter-notice is received, we will notify the original complainant that the content will be reinstated within 10-14 business days unless they initiate legal action.
- Safe Harbor Statement
To protect yourself from liability as a hosting provider, you should also include a safe harbor statement that clarifies your compliance with the DMCA.
Here’s an example:
Safe Harbor Disclaimer
We respect the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe your work has been infringed upon on our website, we encourage you to follow the DMCA takedown process outlined above. We act in good faith to promptly address valid takedown notices and counter-notices. We comply with the DMCA’s safe harbor provisions, meaning we are not liable for infringing content posted by users as long as we follow the proper procedures.